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Syntel is present in 2 markets with 2 products. Syntel has 10 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.4.

Application Testing Services, Worldwide

“Application testing services” is a comprehensive term for the verification and validation services that support quality control and quality assurance (QA) of clients’ applications. Verification assesses whether a product/application or service complies with regulations, requirements, specifications or enforced constraints. Validation typically involves engagement with external customers to confirm suitability and acceptance. Infrastructure testing services, mobile device testing and software testing tools created for the market by independent software vendors (ISVs) are not included in this definition.

Syntel has 1 product in Application Testing Services, Worldwide market

Mobile Application Testing Services

Mobile testing services are different from traditional application testing with additional complexity, such as the testing of multiplatform, networks, multiple operating systems (OSs) as well as different devices. These services are needed to test the function, performance, compatibility and other details of a mobile application, using both manual and automated tests. While the testing this market refers to is that of applications residing on mobile handheld devices, the testing must also take into account the data being gathered or supplied to embedded devices and sensors with the Internet of Things (IoT) becoming more prominent. User experience is key in mobility by creating unique requirements for the testing process. With digital business and customer experience, applications and data are increasingly available and visible to external constituents — especially customers. Thus, quality, reliability, security, and adaptability needed for external use of systems are far beyond internal usage.

Syntel has 1 product in Mobile Application Testing Services market