Technology and service providers (TSPs) who are able to offer an end-to-end service for 4G/5G private mobile network (PMN) include: CSPs, Network equipment providers (NEPs), Systems integrators (SIs) and Hyperscalers. PMNs are used exclusively by a given enterprise client, providing higher security and reliability than public cellular networks. PMN offerings can include voice, video, messaging and broadband data, as well as specific critical communications features (such as lone worker protection [LWP] or push-to-talk over cellular [PTToC]). PMNs can then support use cases around HD video, data, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT), and run on-site or in a cloud, or a multiaccess edge computing data center (MEC DC).
DCO/HIMS is composed of the following Data center outsourcing services: Managed services for traditional data center (DC) environments: Mainframe managed services ERP hosting managed services Managed servers and network equipment Managed services for hosted and private cloud infrastructure Managed services for public cloud and edge environments: Hybrid infrastructure managed services Data center consolidation and transformation services Cloud migration services This complex set of data center capabilities and services is increasingly based on managed virtual private cloud services plus hyperscale public cloud services. It is managed via a mix of remote infrastructure management (RIM) services leveraging traditional tools, cloud management platforms (CMPs), and intelligent automation and/or hyperautomation.
Reviews for 'IT Infrastructure and Operations Management - Others'
This market is focused on the full life cycle of SAP application services, spanning project-based implementation and multiyear application management services (AMS). Evaluate service providers for their ability to deliver a comprehensive set of implementation and management services across the SAP portfolio of products for clients worldwide. Comprehensive is defined as follows: • A distinct offering, consistent with common market service offerings as defined by the following: scope of service, delivery structure, intellectual property (IP), roles and responsibilities, service metrics and levels, terms and conditions, and pricing model. • A consolidated set of distinct offerings to address industry-specific demand or cross-industry demand, where the offering is recognized by clients or analysts as an integrated offering.
The structured data archiving and application retirement market is identified by an array of technology solutions that manage the life cycle of application-generated data and accommodate corporate and regulatory compliance requirements. Application-generated data is inclusive of databases and related unstructured data. SDA solutions focus on improving the storage efficiency of data generated by on-premises and cloud-based applications and orchestrating the retirement of legacy application data and their infrastructure. The SDA market includes solutions that can be deployed on-premises, and on private and public infrastructure, and includes managed services offerings such as SaaS or PaaS.