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Thales Group is present in 6 markets with 19 products. Thales Group has 412 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.4.

Access Management

Gartner defines access management (AM) as tools that include authentication and single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, and that establish, manage and enforce runtime access controls for modern standards-based and classic web applications and APIs. AM’s purpose is to enable SSO access for people (employees, consumers and other users) and machines to protected applications in a streamlined and consistent way that enhances the user experience. AM is also responsible for providing security controls to protect the user session in runtime, enforcing authentication and authorization using adaptive access. Lastly, AM can provide identity context for other cybersecurity tools and reliant applications to enable identity-first security.

Thales Group has 2 products in Access Management market

In-App Protection

The In-app protection market refers to security solutions implemented within the application (instead of the network or the operating system, for example) to make the application more resistant to attacks such as malicious data exfiltration, intrusion, tampering, and reverse engineering. Enterprises use in-app protection to safeguard their software-based assets and to protect their organization and customers from fraudulent attacks.

Thales Group has 1 product in In-App Protection market

Operational Technology Security

Gartner defines operational technology (OT) as “hardware and software that detects or causes a change, through direct monitoring and/or control of industrial equipment, assets, processes and events”. OT security includes practices and technologies used to protect them, but these practices and technologies are now evolving into distinct categories to address the growing threats, security practices and vendor dynamics.

Thales Group has 1 product in Operational Technology Security market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

Thales Group has 8 products in Security Solutions - Others market

Tokenization Platform

Tokenization platform turns sensitive data into non-sensitive data called tokens to increase data protection and reduce fraud risks in financial transactions. The original data is then safely stored in a centralized location for subsequent reference while businesses utilize these tokens to carry out their business activities. In addition, the tokenization platform enables merchants to adhere to industry and governmental regulations like GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS, and HIPAA with minimum liability and security expenses. The typical users of the technology are financial institutions, real estate, banks, retailers, healthcare providers, insurance, and e-commerce companies. These businesses deploy tokenization to protect the personal information of their users, including credit card numbers, PANs, PII, and PHI.

Thales Group has 1 product in Tokenization Platform market

User Authentication

Gartner defines user authentication as the journey-time process that provides credence in a claim to an identity established for a person for access to digital assets. User authentication is delivered by some combination of (a) an authenticator, (b) signals evaluation and (c) an authentication decision point, which may be from different vendors. User authentication is used to provide credence in an identity claim for a person already known to an organization. The credence must be sufficient to bring account takeover (ATO) risks within the organization’s risk tolerance. User authentication is foundational to and protects the value of other functions with an organization’s identity fabric, namely: runtime authorization, especially segregation of duties (SOD); audit (individual accountability); and identity analytics.

Thales Group has 6 products in User Authentication market