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TINT Media is present in 1 market with 1 product. TINT Media has 8 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.3.

User-Generated Content (UGC) Software

User-generated content software (or UGC platform) helps brands curate visual, video, and text product or company mentions from social media and other sources to support marketing brand-building efforts. This platform curates and cultivates user-generated, influencer, and short-form video content to scale content efforts. The content is then used across channels including website, email, advertising, events, and in-store. It is supported by Artificial Intelligence and data analysis tools to help identify the best-performing media, content use, sales, engagement, and conversion ratio. UGC software is used by travel, hospitality, CPG, retail, auto, and nonprofit industries among others to placement across paid and owned channels and syndication. The content curated and cultivated by UGC platform fills content gaps, adds scale, builds trust and enhances credibility to deliver against objectives such as awareness, conversion and advocacy.

TINT Media has 1 product in User-Generated Content (UGC) Software market