Online Fraud Detection Reviews and Ratings

What is Online Fraud Detection ?

Gartner defines the OFD market as the market for solutions that detect and prevent fraudulent actions within digital channels (browsers and mobile apps). OFD solutions provide a spectrum of capabilities within digital channels to prevent direct and indirect financial losses and to mitigate risks. Their core capabilities: Mitigate the activity of malicious automated bots; Detect account takeover (ATO) attacks and trigger remedial actions; Detect fraudulent activity in high-risk events along the digital customer journey, such as when customers make payments, transfer funds, perform account management actions or access personally identifiable information (PII).

Products In Online Fraud Detection Market

"Integrating High-Level Cybersecurity Products into Tech Infrastructure"

We're long time users of this product because it has helped considerably in protecting our assets against bots. We even got an exception from a group-wide policy that proposed a different

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"Real-time Threat Protection with Imperva Advanced Bot "

Imperva Advanced Bot Protection is a cloud-based security solution that is designed in such a manner that it shields our organization's websites, apps, and APIs from various types of harmful bot activity. It has ensured smooth platform performance for us making it an enjoyable seamless experience for the employees.

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"Excellent Enterprise Advanced bot Defense Solution"

Our organization has been hit extremely hard (and continues) with many different web/data scraping campaigns. We have also been hit hard with Credential Stuffing, Carding/Credit Card Stuffing, Fake Account Creation and much more with unwanted automation. f5 bot Defense helps protect us against all of these advanced bot attacks with high efficacy rates.

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"Radware Bot Manager: A Robust Shield Against Cyber Attacks"

Radware bot manager provide comprehensive, effective and robust protection from bot threats and minimize fraud exposure to maintain company brand reputation and integrity. its protects our web and mobile applications from sophisticated and evolving cyber attacks as well as detecting and mitigating malicious bot traffic. It's a great product helping businesses to achieve our goals and fulfill compliance and regulatory requirements. Features like real-time detection, device and browser fingerprinting make leaders in the global market. Really peaceful and happy with this product.

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"Unraveling Users' Mixed Reactions Towards the Product"

collaborative nature of the relationship with both the engagement and threat analyst teams is second to none and long may it continue

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"Forter - The Future of Fraud Analyticts"

Forter does a great job of taking the heavy lifting off of us. It's so nice to know that their system is able to catch resellers as well as potential fraud risks, and that we always have support to answer any questions we might have! We feel much more secure and our Customer Service team feels more equipped to handle fraud cases!

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"Great for catching Fraud orders"

I love how this system detects fraud and saves time from the company. It catches and cancels orders that we shouldn't process.

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"Great Conference & Bringing everyone together"

The conference was a great way for retailers and financial institutions to come together for a common goal - fighting fraud The variety of speakers and events was meaningful and provided great takeaways for me to bring back to my colleagues. I enjoyed the content related to how fraudsters are accessing PII and creating identities - It would have been great to have more insight into that Also very much enjoyed the Japanese Garden tour - it was a great way to break the ice with some other attendees and really enjoyed seeing a bit of Portland (as opposed to the usual hotel and conference room limited exposure) I don't think the conference dates were the best - having a conference end at 4pm on a Friday - when many people have to travel back to the east coast was tough and required personal time to travel. Would have been better for a Tues-Thurs.

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"Strong performing product and great team with a focus on emerging threats and innovation"

Strong product expertise and delivery fulfilment on the ThreatMetrix team we worked with. The technical account manager support was essential in getting the best out of the product and optimising the rule set. The ThreatMetrix team have good experienced individuals who have been in the financial services industry themseleves and they helped us identify further use cases for the product that we hadn't predicted in our business case. This meant we exceded our own expectations. They were also a great buch of guys to work with.

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"A great solution for Compliance related needs"

We are using Sum&Sub as a KYC/AML provider and we are happy with the experience. KYCs take users 3 minutes to clear and approve on average. The interface is easy to understand and set up according to our needs and the support works well enough to answer our questions and provide us with suggestions on how to further improve the integration between them and our products. Highly recommend them

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"Human: product and service feedback"

Information is clearly presented, easy to use and find. Visual aids such as tables and graphs help a lot to understand the status and compare with previous time period

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"An Incredible and Perfect tool for Online Fraud Detection. "

It's simple and fast to implement and deploy F5 Distributed Cloud Account Protection.I can easily detect and stop online frauds with F5 Distributed Cloud Account Protection.

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"Nethone is a powerful fraud behavior assessment tool"

Great reactive support, API documentation is exhaustive and comprehensive. The integration is easy, and results are immediate. The team is regularly adapting models and their API for our needs.

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"Great solution for detection and prevention of fraud"

The experience we have had with the Monitor Plus solution has been very rewarding and satisfying. It has helped us to detect fraud incidents in a timely manner and minimize monetary losses to our customers, as well as to the organization. It easy to parameterize and with this we can shield ourselves against any trend or threat of fraud that could occur.

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"Confident results for inquiries to Emailage"

Emailage provides results on every inquiry that enables our team to decision an order. Though some results might be a middle of the road risk score, this provides enough feedback that can be utilized with our other search tools to determine if an order should be canceled for fraud or allow to be processed. Keeping in mind that we use this for email addresses and ip addresses only and there are even more robust options available. We have just already had another fraud research tool in place that we continue to use.

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"Kount Complete Does It All! "

Really great and expansive product. This tool has identity, proxy piercing, and many other tools designed to identify fraud. A great tool for anyone looking to stop credit card fraud

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I love Pindrop, we currently use Protect. This past year with Pindrops updates to their phone and tone printing we have noticed significant improvements in catching fraud.

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"Cybersource minimises credit card and any payment authorisation issues."

Cybersource is a trusted vendor for online fraud detection with their famous decision manager. All our online transactions are monitored and any slight anomaly is detected and the payment processing is with hold completely. They provide a test environment for us to test our integration and all possible scenarios. Requires less manual intervention and saves a lot of money for business. Customers can shop on our sites without any issues and helps us be PCI compliant.

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"Strong, Detailed Anomaly Detection with Internal Ease of Use"

We were looking for strong anomaly detection that was easy for internal users, but dug into the details of the ACH file being processed. Guardian's product required very little change in our back-office processing. We had to delay implementatiion until after we converted all of our clients to an updated ACH initiation program. The implementation team was great to work with and we have had strong support experiences in our first full year of use.

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"Powerful Identity Verification solution"

It is a very powerful Identity Verification tool for our business. It works smoothly and also is very easy to implement.

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