Retail Media Networks Reviews and Ratings

What is Retail Media Networks?

Gartner defines retail media networks as packaged retail website search, display, app, in-store assets and other digital advertising opportunities (e.g., ad impressions) that are sold to brands and advertisers. Retailers leverage media networks to execute their unified retail commerce strategy and to develop new lines of revenue, while advertisers aim to increase their exposure to and influence the behavior of retail shoppers at or near the final point of purchase. RMNs offer retailers supplemental revenue from their owned digital and physical assets and datasets. RMNs let companies buy branding and conversion-oriented ads at or near the final point of purchase — which stands out as its unique selling proposition. Retailers build RMNs to aggregate audiences of shoppers across commerce websites, apps, and digital assets in physical stores into media opportunities for advertisers. These media opportunities, including search listing ads, product ads (display and video) and audio, are purchased by advertisers through direct insertion orders or digital buying methods like programmatic real-time auctions. Marketing and technology leaders at retailers develop these advertising exchange capabilities internally or partner with ad technology platforms, such as with demand- and supply-side partners, to offer their media for sale in a scalable and cost-efficient way. In addition to their value as media opportunities, retailers can assemble these audiences into valuable data segments by historical browsing and purchase behavior, which can be used to improve both on-site personalization and targeting.

Products In Retail Media Networks Market

"Pacvue helps create paid search campaigns to drive business"

Pacvue is a platform we use to help us with our paid search campaigns and increase our retail media business. We have them and their competition.

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"Walmart Connect drives growth through retail media network"

Overall the experience with Walmart Connect has been the best out of any retailer. Since we are a large CPG that sells our products at retailers nationwide, we have the chance to work with multiple retail media networks. WMC by far is the best and most advanced.

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"Citrus provides retail media campaigns needed to improve ecommerce business"

Overall Citrus has been great to work with. I worked with them at my previous employer and developed great relationships with their team and platform. Moving over to my current org, I wanted to keep those relationships since they help us identify consumer trends and how paid search / retail media affects them. It's easy to use and able to scale depending on our own internal budget.

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"Account Management Tool With More TrustWorthy"

It was totally robust and super guidance for all my account managers. It's helpful and data-driven.

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"Excellent Product to Increase Reach and Decrease CPM"

My firm and I have loved the experience with Home Depot's product. The product has materially increased our reach in a significantly cost-efficient way. It has driven our customer acquisition costs lower by allowing us to better target current and prospective customers. As a result, sales have risen and we have experienced margin expansion.

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"PromoteIQ lags behind competition due to Covid"

Promote IQ used to be one of my favorite platforms, but due to COVID, there has been better competition that has come out with much better pricing.

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"Quotient struggles with retailer losses"

Experience with quotient has been pretty solid over the past few years. They were partners with key retailers which we wanted to grow our awareness with so we decided to invest with Quotient in order to be strategic at those retailers. The scalability and adaptation of their platform made it easy for us to keep investing and growing. We also had a team there that was dedicated to helping our brands grow.

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