Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services Reviews and Ratings

What are Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services?

The security threat intelligence products and services market refers to the combination of products and services that deliver knowledge (context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and action-oriented advice), information and data about cybersecurity threats, threat actors and other cybersecurity-related issues. The output of these products and services aims to provide or assist in the curation of information about the identities, motivations, characteristics and methods of threats, commonly referred to as tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). The intent is to enable better decision making and improve security technology capabilities to reduce the likelihood and impact of a potential compromise. Threat intelligence (TI) products and services support the different stages of a TI process life cycle. In particular, this involves defining the aims and objectives, collecting and processing intelligence originating from various sources, analyzing and disseminating it to different stakeholders within the organization, and regularly providing feedback on the entire process. These products and services support ongoing security investigations and assist in preventing future breaches by prioritizing infrastructure hardening. TI tools and services are most commonly cloud-based products and services, but can also be delivered “as a service.”

Products In Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services Market

"Recorded Future: Innovating Proactive Threat Research and Process Automation"

Recorded Future has allowed me to work with intelligence in a scale that would otherwise prove too challenging as an individual threat analyst. Its provided me with a centralised platform from which I can conduct proactive threat research as well as automate some of my processes.

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"How Crowd Strike's Threat Intelligence Shapes Security Posture"

Crowd Strike started their journey in 2012, as a incident responder and threat intel service, so they are top vendors for threat intel data, giving visibilities over threat actors or groups of attackers with information about their origin, the country they usually target, the industries they target, and also showing us the TPPs used by threat actors. This data gives insights into who can attack us or who is our enemy, with all this data and info an organization can set up their security posture.

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"Feature rich product at a good price."

Purchasing and using this product has been easy, educational and very useful. The product does what it says, and is rich in functionality, the support is superb!

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"CloudSek attack surface monitoring and TIP Experience"

The Cloudsek team is diligent, customer oriented and provides services that work in the context of our organization. We are happy with our partnership and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. CloudSek as a threat Intel platform performs really well. As an attack surface management tool, it performs great. I would like to see more effort towards ASM.

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""Set and forget" tool which will automatically monitor your technology estate for threats"

Quick and easy "set and forget" tool which automatically alerts our SOC upon detection of a possible threat.

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"Wildfire Palo Alto"

As part of security network, i am looking for a tool for malware protection. as nowadays, it very important to prevent the cyberattacks, threats that comes from some known as well as unknown files or contents.

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"Strengthening Security Posture with Cyble's Research and Analysis"

Cyble provides well researched and analyzed threat intel findings and also gives us good insights of the attacks around the globe thus helping us in taking required mitigation steps early and hence strengthening the overall security posture of the organization.

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"Revolutionizing Risk Management: A Deep Dive into Threat Intelligence"

Plaform has proven to be an invaluable tool in safeguarding our digital assets and maintainig our brand's reputation online

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"Microsoft 365 Defender- Armoured shield against Viruses, Malware and Phishing"

We deploy Defender in our institution to protect our data, documents, and other related educational and training program content from harmful viruses and malicious links by unauthorized user's access and their misadventures. Defender secures our systems, and high-value content by detecting, analyzing, and generating real-time reports of threats, also it takes quick action to provide foolproof security.

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"Experience Unparalleled Monitoring on Deep Web and Dark Web"

User-friendly experience while using their platform in monitoring deep web and dark web. Alert notifications are easy to configure with more context and precision.

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"One Stop Platform for attack surface management, threat intelligence & brand protection."

CTM360 contributes to our Cyber Security Strategy through their unified approach and simple, easy to use platform which caters to a variety of use cases The team is proactive and their responses swift as well.

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"Group-IB's Layered Approach: Deeper Insight into Threat Intelligence"

Group-IB have been very supportive throughout the onboarding & use. When we have issues, they are quick to respond and escalate if needed. They are quick to jump on a call to help us use the platform. As an insurer, we have a unique use case for threat intelligence but the sales representative and the team fully understand our use case and ensure that Group-IB meets our needs.

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"Fantastic service, saves hours of time"

Ease of use and operation from implementation all the way through execution

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"Mandiant- The cyber security leader"

"Mandiant Advantage Threat Intelligence delivers an exceptional experience. Its rich threat insights, user-friendly interface, and proactive defence capabilities redefine cybersecurity vigilance. A crucial asset in our strategic threat management, it has proven instrumental in bolstering our overall security posture.

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"Industry-specific Threat Intelligence Geared Towards Japan and APAC"

Relevant industry specific threat intelligence focused on Japan and APAC. Comprehensive solutions cover all areas of external threat management.

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"If I could only purchase one CTI tool, it would be Feedly."

Feedly is the single best threat intelligence tool I've used in my 17-year intelligence career; no other service comes close. Feedly makes it possible to keep pace with an otherwise overwhelming volume of OSINT and reporting through an exceptionally intuitive interface, powerful feed management, and some of the best AI summarization/analysis capabilities I've used. This tool is absolutely best-in-class: Feedly has revolutionized our OSINT collection (especially for vulnerabilities and TTPs), enabled us to develop new kinds of intelligence products, and has saved hours of daily manual review and filtering. With Feedly we are more efficient than ever, and I can't think of a better ROI. All CTI teams should strongly consider Feedly.

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"Flashpoint Powers Tracking of Cyber and Financial Crime Landscape"

Flashpoint is a very useful tool to stay on top of critical intelligence for any organization, most notably cybersecurity intel including vulnerabilities, Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and threat actor TTPs. Furthermore, it is an effective tool for tracking relevant discussions on the deep and dark web. Flashpoint's Boolean-based query language is relatively straightforward, allowing for quick user onboarding.

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"Can have significant impact, regardless of the organisation's InfoSec maturity"

Digital Shadows offer great tailor-made TI insights and effectively help map the organization's threat landscape

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"RNDC: CybelAngel Collaborative Experience"

Excellent communication with team and commitment to improving our experience with the service.

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"Threat Inelligence at a fair price and excellent quality"

the implementation was without intervening our systems and inmediate implementation, in 04 hours we already had visualization of relevent results.

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