Software Defined Cloud Interconnects (SDCI) Reviews and Ratings

What is Software Defined Cloud Interconnects (SDCI)?

Software defined cloud interconnects (SDCI) provide private network connectivity between enterprises and public cloud service providers (CSPs). SDCIs pre-provision physical connectivity from their hubs to public cloud service providers, internet service providers (ISPs), and network service providers (NSPs). They serve as aggregators and intermediaries to quickly provision logical connectivity to cloud service providers and complement this with billing, monitoring/management, security, and administrative functions. For both performance and business continuity reasons, SDCI can be employed by enterprises with multi-cloud architecture.

Products In Software Defined Cloud Interconnects (SDCI) Category

"Equinix Fabric is the best option to create and manage connections to the public cloud"

We use the Equinix Fabric to connect our customers to public clouds such as Microsoft Azure and AWS. Because of the way everything is automated in the portal, creating (or deleting) connections is a very smooth operation. I think the portal is the strong point of Equinix. Also the pricing is better than competitors, this because at Equinix, you can order connections from 50Mbit up (until 1Gb and above). This in comparison to competitors where 500Mb of even 1Gb is the only option.

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"Efficient and cost saver multi cloud connectivity provider"

very good reactivity, from technical and commercial teams. Always listenning for client request and open to evolutionand adapt the service.

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Competitors and Alternatives
InterCloud vs EquinixSee All Alternatives

"Super Easy-to-use, Cost Effective and Exceptional Product To Interconnect With Anyone"

Extremely easy to setup and use. Very intuitive UI to order and administer the product and provides an excellent way to connect to a range of 3rd parties. The account management team are extremely helpful and keen to provide you with assistance to get the best out of the services.

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"Best solution for multi-cloud connectivity. "

Mega port has created a really good product for cloud connectivity , hybrid connectivity , Intial setup is very easy . Its scalable and secure to as they are ISO /IEC 27001 certified now.

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"Best Software to connecting edge location to cloud anywhere."

It's a perfect solution for cloud connectivity. Centralize dashboard to view utilization and activity is very responsive.

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"Best multi cloud connectivity solution"

Very satisfied with the features that it provides for multi cloud connectivity for seamless functionality of the Infrastructure.

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"Masergy's SDCI is a great product which met our business needs"

Masergy offer a good SD interconnect solution that integrates with all the major public cloud providers. The overall experience was positive.

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"Unique service to connect Colo togeter"

Packetfabric provides unique service to connect Colocation together in short time period with very low front end cost and effort

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