Transportation Mobility Reviews and Ratings

What is Transportation Mobility Technology?

Transportation mobility technology enables fleet operators in the supply chain to locate and track the movements, as well as monitor conditions, of mobile over-the-road transportation assets in real time, using cellular or, in specific cases, satellite links. It allows these operators to track drivers to ensure driver safety and performance. The analysis of driver performance results in improvements in fuel consumption, prevention of workers’ compensation claims and prevention of accidents. This, in turn, leads to lower operating costs; higher compliance, safety and accountability (CSA) scores; and, possibly, lower insurance rates.

Products In Transportation Mobility Market

"Continuous Development: A Notable Advantage of Samsara"

Samsara's personnel are well trained, responsive, and knowledgeable. The product is extremely well thought out, easy to use, reliable, and stable. Top-flight stuff in every way.

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"Solid GPS tracking platform with reporting nad automation"

We've had a good overall experience with Calamp and the tool has improved over the time we have had the product

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"Geotab is a great tool to track vehicles and report on driver behavior for Telecom!"

MyGeotab has helped our company track vehicles for years and it has helped change driver behavior tremendously. I have had a good experience using it.

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"So far so good. Mix has performed as well as they promised. I would recommend!"

Mix Telematics has been good for our company so far. We just implemented Mix back in October. I am still learning how to use it. But we have been able to track all installed assets not only vehicles, but equipment as well, and that is a huge factor in why we switched to Mix! Their GPS units have been extremely reliable.

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"Great tracking"

Zonar is a great product and provides many tools that help us become more efficient in our transportation department.

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Competitors and Alternatives

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""Efficient Navigation: Trimble Maps Delivers Seamless Logistics Solutions""

Trimble Maps is the perfect tool for making your travels a breeze. It'll get you where you need to go faster than ever before, by finding the quickest routes and avoiding traffic jams. Plus, it updates in real-time, so you always know what's going on around you. It's like having your own personal navigator in your pocket, always looking out for you and making sure you get to your destination on time and without any hassle. Not only does it save you time and fuel, but it also helps businesses run smoother. You can customize it to fit your needs and get detailed reports that'll help you make better decisions for your company. It's like having an extra set of eyes and ears on the ground, keeping you informed and ready for whatever comes your way.

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Competitors and Alternatives
Trimble vs CalAmpSee All Alternatives
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