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BeyondTrust is present in 5 markets with 13 products. BeyondTrust has 1275 reviews with an overall average rating of 4.5.

Operational Technology Security

Gartner defines operational technology (OT) as “hardware and software that detects or causes a change, through direct monitoring and/or control of industrial equipment, assets, processes and events”. OT security includes practices and technologies used to protect them, but these practices and technologies are now evolving into distinct categories to address the growing threats, security practices and vendor dynamics.

BeyondTrust has 1 product in Operational Technology Security market

Privileged Access Management

Gartner defines privileged access management (PAM) as tools that provide an elevated level of technical access through the management and protection of accounts, credentials and commands, which are used to administer or configure systems and applications. PAM tools — available as software, SaaS or hardware appliances — manage privileged access for both people (system administrators and others) and machines (systems or applications). Gartner defines four distinct tool categories for PAM tools: privileged account and session management (PASM), privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM), secrets management, and cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM).

BeyondTrust has 8 products in Privileged Access Management market

Remote Desktop Software


Remote Desktop Software allows secure access and control of remote devices across multiple platforms. The software provides the same level of access as being physically present to manage and control the resources of the remote device. The software offers secure transfer of files in a live or unattended support session. The Remote Desktop software is generally used by the IT professionals performing maintenance and support personnel assisting end-users.

BeyondTrust has 1 product in Remote Desktop Software market

Security Solutions - Others

Reviews for 'Security Solutions - Others'

BeyondTrust has 1 product in Security Solutions - Others market

Vulnerability Assessment

VA solutions identify, categorize and prioritize vulnerabilities as well as orchestrate their remediation or mitigation. Their primary focus is vulnerability and security configuration assessments for enterprise risk identification and reduction, and reporting against various compliance standards. VA can be delivered via on-premises, hosted and cloud-based solutions, and it may use appliances and agents. Core capabilities include: - Discovery, identification and reporting on device, OS, software vulnerabilities and configuration against security-related criteria - Establishing a baseline for systems, applications and databases to identify and track changes in state - Reporting options for compliance, control frameworks and multiple roles Standard capabilities include: - Pragmatic remediation prioritization with the ability to correlate vulnerability severity, asset context and threat context that then presents a better picture of true risk for your specific environment - Guidance for remediating and configuring compensating controls - Management of scanner instances, agents and gateways - Direct integration with, or API access to, asset management tools, workflow management tools and patch management tools

BeyondTrust has 2 products in Vulnerability Assessment market