Docusign vs SIGNiX







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0% willing to recommend

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Overall Rating

0% willing to recommend

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"Willingness to Recommend" is calculated based on the responses to the question "Would you recommend this product to others?" The options include "yes," "yes, with reservations," "I do not know" and "no." The percentage is calculated as number of "yes" responses divided by total responses for the question.

"Favorable" and "Critical" user reviews are selected using the review helpfulness score. The helpfulness score predicts the relative value a user receives from a given review based on a number of factors. Factors may include the content in the review, feedback provided by other readers, the age of the review, and other factors that indicate review quality. The favorable review displayed is selected from the most helpful 4 or 5 star review. The critical user review displayed is selected from the most helpful 1,2 or 3 star review.