Visual Collaboration Applications Reviews and Ratings

What are Visual Collaboration Applications?

Visual collaboration applications are cloud-based platforms that enable teams to communicate and creatively collaborate during both asynchronous and real-time work activities. Visual collaboration applications provide an infinitely scalable shared digital canvas offering robust collaboration features. Multiple users can interact on the same virtual canvas simultaneously, regardless of whether they are colocated or collaborating from anywhere via their smartphones, tablets, laptops, or conference room touchscreen monitors. These applications accept input from touchscreen devices, digital pens and keyboards. Vendors offer these solutions as either fully feature-rich downloadable applications or as more-lightweight options accessed through browsers. Visual collaboration applications default to a blank, free-form canvas, but often include templates for graphs, diagrams, project plans, brainstorming, mind maps, Kanban boards and other structured formats. User- and role-based access rights govern reading, editing and commenting rights for internal and external collaborators. Features to export canvasses are essential to enable sharing in various portable formats, such as PDF and JPEG. Vendors may store content in cloud infrastructure or provide server software.

Products In Visual Collaboration Applications Market

"Miro - The best collaborative tool in the market"

As a user of Miro, my overall experience has been highly positive. The platform excels in facilitating seamless collaboration across teams, regardless of physical location. Its intuitive, interface significantly reduces the learning curve, allowing both new and experienced users to get started quickly and efficiently. The real time collaboration feature stands out, enabling instant communication and idea sharing, which is crucial for maintaining momentum in fast-paced project environment. The versatility of Miro, with its wide range of tools and templates, supports various project needs, from agile methodologies to design thinking sessions, making it a go-to tool for a variety of professional scenarios Integration with other commonly used tools like Slack, Jira and Google Drive enhances its value streamlining workflows and keeping everything connected to a single ecosystems. This prevents the disruption in the flow of work due to switching systems

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"Boosting Operational Efficiency with Lucidchart: A Personal Experience"

My overall experience with Lucidchart has been highly positive. I love the ability to create and iterate on operational charts in real time. It cuts down my prep time by at least 50% compared to standard products and is highly collaborative in a meaningful way. It also goes on forever, so I never have to worry about running out of room. I also like the addition of Lucidspark.

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"Makes working with remote teams so much easier"

The impact it has on team work especially with a remote team, it makes decision making, progress tracking and even problem solving a breeze.

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"Jamboard is 5 star! Great collaborate tool."

I am constantly using Jamboard when I present my pipeline and work plans. It has various tools to illustrate my progress and ongoing project, alongside my report. We can use it live during meetings, but usually my team and I use it on 60-inch screen in our office. However, we are leveraging it in our global SDR meetings, where everyone can actively engage on the Jamboard. We find it especially handy during our global SDR training sessions.

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"Creative solution to collaborate on Proto-Personas, prioritize and set up experiment maps"

I cherish the collaboration highlights accessible in Microsoft Whiteboard that makes collaborating and sharing in genuine time with colleagues exceptionally simple. We utilize it as a canvas to organize our thoughts or basically as a board to glue our images.

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"Maximizing Collaboration in Design Team with Essential Tools"

Great tool to use when collaborating with the design team, or having interactive, collaborative sessions with other members of the business.

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"Mural: Transforming Project Management with Creative Visuals"

Amazing experience with Project management with Mural overall. Requires almost no design experience and provides a variety of features to play with. This has enabled our team to carefully scope our projects and clearly define deadlines with creative visuals.

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"Zoom Whiteboard: Best Visual Collaboration tool and User-Friendly"

Overall, the experience with Zoom Whiteboard is so good. It helps me to collaborate with various stakeholders and the team. This helps me to clearly draw and explain during meetings. This helps learners and mentors in the organization to have a crisp understanding of what we discuss.

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"Quick visual explanations creates focus in a way I have never seen another product create"

Klaxoon Board helps us connect the dots on multiple projects because it is the hub where we can bring everything together and teams are more productive because we collaborate through resizeable, unlimited canvases and the information we are looking for is easier to access and thorough.

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"Indispensable tool to get down to serious, in-depth work and real-time sessions quickly"

In addition to helping teams easily customize designs without having to submit one-off requests, Sketchboard has made it easy to keep all of our assets cohesively designed. Because we can self-serve and localize materials, we easily edit and schedule posts on our socia media and brand consistency immediately came into play because all customer-facing assets look entirely on-brand.

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"Digital workspace to engage in real-time and provide equitable participant experience"

Bluescape consolidates concepts, backgrounds, and comments so designs evolve more quickly and intelligently and the digital workspace affords us the freedom to explore concepts quickly while unleashing creativity in our natural drawing style. We are using Bluescape to create interactive, compelling presentations that help identify and understand the desires and needs of our clients in a superior way and make connections that last for the long term.

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"Visual execution tool that is intuitive in a way not found in many other software"

Since collaborating in Conceptboard provides clear visuals, there is little need for meetings or other back-and-forth chats to clarify feedback. Conceptboard allows us to easily organize seeds of ideas and eventually turn them into detailed product prototypes and no matter where someone does their work, everything can be shared in one central location on Conceptboard, providing context for the larger project.

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"Unlocking Collaborative Creativity. "

My team and I have genuinely enjoyed this product. As a collaborative digital whiteboarding tool, it has transformed our team's creative and brainstorming processes. The real-time collaboration feature has brought remote team members together seamlessly. The fluidity of the interface, combined with the intuitive drawing and annotation tools has enhanced our ability to communicate ideas visually and iterate rapidly.

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"Its helping manifest the power of visualization for cultivating clarity of thought"

We can accomplish a lot more with Collaboard because its a tool that keeps track of everything we are doing in real-time and creating visuals in Collaboard build a common language among employees and provides the communication and collaboration we need to create success for our company.

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"Stormboard the AI powered Digital Collaboration"

In the past, our digital collaboration with our affiliates was through traditional tools and we used to end all the workshops with a lot of unstructured data which was difficult to analyze and time consuming. Stormboard brings the solution for this problem where it converts all our unstructured data into actionable items using its data driven workflow. The collaboration through this simplifies the findings and reduces overall time to complete the workflow.

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Competitors and Alternatives
Stormboard vs MURALSee All Alternatives

"does the job"

simple for creating a quick flow map or tree diagram for a website but not really used much more than this

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"Digital whiteboard Platform for easy collabaration"

Best Whiteboard platform for users to create and collab virtual boards. Users can draw, write and simulate easily and provide traditional experience.

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"A simple collaboartive whiteboard to build diagrams, flowchart and infographics"

Creately is an easy diagramming tool to collaboratively visualize ideas, plans, concepts, mindmaps. It works both online and offline. Offers a free version for

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Competitors and Alternatives
Creately vs LucidSee All Alternatives
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