Cloud Web Application and API Protection Reviews and Ratings

What is Cloud Web Application and API Protection?

Gartner defines cloud WAAP as a category of security solutions designed to protect web applications irrespective of their hosted locations. Typically delivered as a service, cloud WAAP is offered as a series of security modules that provide protection from a broad range of runtime attacks. It offers protection from the Top 10 web application security risks defined by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and automated threats, provides API security, and can detect and protect against multiple sophisticated Layer 7 attacks targeted at web applications. Cloud WAAP’s core features include web application firewall (WAF), bot management, distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation and API protection.

Products In Cloud Web Application and API Protection Market

"Imperva's User-friendly Approach to Web Application Security"

Here are some comments on my overall experience with the Imperva cloud web application (WAF): 1}Comprehensive protection: Imperva cloud WAF offers robust security features that provide protection against a wide range of web applications threats, including SQL injection, cross site scarping and DDoS attacks. 2}Ease of deployment and management: The cloud-based nature of Imperva WAF makes deployment relatively straight forewords. The user-friendly interface simplifies the prices of setting up and managing security rules and policies.

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"Great product - mature, sophisticated, straightforward and always in evolution "

Cloudflare WAF is a mature edge WAF product that is constantly evolving. It is an essential product in web application security and API protection. The managed rules allow for protection against zero-day vulnerabilities and the common attacks and scans of security issues, without any intervention. The available configurations to apply your own WAF rules are comprehensive. It may not be as exhaustive as other products but I see that as an advantage because there hasn't been a situation where you could not achieve the desired outcome in terms of blocking and challenging a potential issue while maintaining an ease in performing even complex configurations. Configurations are possible through web interface and API. It integrates seamlessly with other Cloudflare products like bot management and API shield.

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"Robust WAF for an ever-changing threat landscape"

Fastly's NGWAF provided the functionality for us to mature our WAF approach from strictly IP to signals (policy) that was more flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing threat landscape. The UI provides a nice at-a-glance dashboard a number of tiles that show relevant data that is actionable if something is identified as a threat.

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"Appraising Akamai's Service: A Comprehensive 2-Year Experience"

We have been consistently utilizing Akamai's App & API Protector with excellent results. The service offers exceptional security features, ensuring robust protection against a wide range of threats. Its intelligent threat detection and mitigation capabilities have significantly enhanced our security reduncing the risk of attacks. The integration process was seamless, and the support from Akamai's team has been outstanding. Overall, Akamai's App & API Protector has proven to be a realible and efficient solution for safeguarding our applications and APIs.

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"Very good AWS web application firewall "

We have a very good experience with AWS Web Application Firewall protecting our AWS resources.

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"Top most and trusted security guard for WEB Applications"

Its a wonderful tool for all kinds of webapplications. This tool very helpful especially applications which are hosted in internet. With the help of WAF all the web applications are protected by all kinds of Cyber attacks.

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"Detect malicious code before they gets injected into webpages"

Sucuri firewall is most effective way to protect websites and web applications from malicious attacks. The firewall can detect malicious code from being injected into webpages.

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"Fortifying Web Applications Against Cyber Threats with Citrix WAF"

Citrix WAF is an essential security solution for safeguarding online applications from a variety of cyber attacks. Its powerful features, including as real time traffic analysis, customized security rules, and extensive threat detection capabilities, provide enterprises piece of mind when it comes to the security and availability of online applications.

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"Efficient and Highly Reliable Web Application Firewall Solution"

Switching to F5 BIG-IP Advanced Web Application Firewall resulted in efficient protection of our applications data and users while maintaining the firm's confidentiality and mission achievement. It ensured our firm is protected against web exploits, common vulnerabilities, advanced threats, and targeted attacks. The best part of this product is that we can deploy it whenever our apps are located and is also available as a web-application, full-featured and self-managed firewall. We have a wide range of options to choose from and this really helped with making critical firm decisions.

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"Comprehensive Web Application Security with Indusface: WAF, WAS and Fully Managed VAPT Services"

My recent experience with Indusface's integrated security suite, comprising Web Application Firewall (WAF), Web Application Scanning (WAS), and Fully Managed Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) services, has been exceptionally positive. Indusface's WAF and WAS solutions seamlessly complement each other, forming a robust defense against a myriad of web application threats. The Web Application Firewall proved highly effective in real-time threat mitigation, providing a first line of defense against common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. The user-friendly interface and intuitive configuration options make it easy to manage security policies and customize protection for diverse applications. The Web Application Scanner further strengthens the security posture by proactively identifying vulnerabilities in web applications. The scanner's comprehensive reporting and detailed insights empower organizations to address potential risks promptly. The integration of WAS into the overall security suite simplifies the remediation process, enhancing the efficiency of the security workflow. Indusface's commitment to staying ahead of emerging threats is evident in the continuous updates to its threat intelligence database, which is seamlessly integrated into both WAF and VAPT services. This ensures that security measures are always up-to-date and effective against the latest cyber threats. Throughout my experience, the customer support provided by Indusface has been exemplary. From the initial onboarding process to addressing queries and concerns, the support team demonstrated a high-level of expertise and responsiveness.

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"Reliable Application Protection with Stellar Customer Service: Radware Solution"

Ease of use is a priority and I can confirm this is present in the Radware solution. Viewing the dashboard each morning shows the sheer amount of work it performs protecting our applications with little to no manual interference. I would also like to highlight that the customer service we receive on an ongoing basis has been second to none, and I say that having worked with many vendors.

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"Secure the Web-Cloud with Azure WAF"

Azure Web Application Firewall keeps our hybrid cloud architect, basically the web apps safe from common nefarious requests, traffic and other threats. Our experience with Azure is quite remarkable.

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"Cost effective full functionality WAF and basic loading balancing product. "

We are happy with the product. Especially barracuda support team is excellent. they are very prompt and supportive.

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"Best in class WAF product for both On premise and Cloud Environment"

1. We are a pre existing customer with both On premise F5 and Cloud F5 2. One of the best CLOUD WAF product in the market as we are using this for more than a year 3. SAAS Management console is very much convenient for the Administrator 4. Best in class for security features and controlling

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"An effective modern Security solution for WebSites and APIs"

We have been using the Ubika WAAP for over 6years. It has provided an additional layer of security to all our internal and external sites and APIs. The flexibility and simplicity of the solution have allowed us to implement all the security policies requested by our CISO and the state of art. We are firmly convinced that Ubika's WAAP is te ideal solution to support us in our growing business in mobile banking and telecommunication.

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"Security & API core analysis - made easy for you."

Have tried using this to check DDOS on the product and seemed to provide a detailed report on the requirement

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"Cloud Armor - google product "

Cloud armor is the google cloud product which helps us to protect from any DDoS attacks & provides security to the application or the environment. the system are fully managed and stay security patched as patches are made available for the chosen platform

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"Best in class Firewall from to secure apps from layer 7 attacks"

ModSecurity Web Application Firewall by Nginx is best in class firewall to protect applications against L7 attacks from attackers which results into loss of data or downtime in service

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"ThreatX the best WAF"

ThreatX is a effective WAF and does it job good we have a big difference from no WAF to having WAF , lots of unwanted requests like Recon, scanner and DDOS from around the world are filtered from threatX proxy

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"Excellent Web Application Security Platform."

The qualys web application platform enabled us to focus on web applications with a precise platform dedicated to all of our web applications, while we utilize other firewalls for onprem and other cloud applications, for the sake of segregating our security related capabilties by intentionally and strategically placing security hardening through disparate systems/softwares/hardware/platforms for the highest possible security across varied areas.

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