Contact Center Infrastructure (CCI), Worldwide Reviews and Ratings

What is Contact Center Infrastructure (CCI)?

The CCI market covers solutions that include the equipment, software and services that enable customer service organizations to manage multichannel customer interactions holistically (using self-service and assisted service) from a customer experience and an employee engagement perspective. Central to the definition of CCI is that the solutions are dedicated to supporting a single customer or tenant on each instance of the system, even if that customer or tenant supports multiple contact center operations on that dedicated instance. CCI solutions are used by customer service and telemarketing centers, employee service and support centers, help desk service centers, and other types of structured communications operations.

Products In Contact Center Infrastructure (CCI), Worldwide Market

"The backbone for omnichannel and AI engagement."

Honored to have built a career on the Genesys backbone.

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"Hard to implement but strong customizable Contact Center platform when finally stable"

l will not lie about it, the implementation it's hard and requieres a few months after finishing it to became really stable, but dont worry, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Genesys it's a really dinamic and wide open platform, that provides a huge ammount of solutions for the same problem, allowing you to adjust and customize it to the customer time and budget needs. The documentation that they bring it's very informative as well and there are big communities and many forums of administrators and developers with a lot of information shared. It's easy to start with the basics, but for really exploit all the posibilities it brings, you will need strong knowledge in a lot of diferent IT areas, like Telecommunications, Database Administration, Software Developping (many languages, like java, xml, .net, phyton), Web Servers and Web Services, Microsoft and/or Linux Administration, etc.

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"UCCE Review"

In my experience this product meets all the requirements from a small to large Contact Center environments

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"Cisco UCCX Review"

Cisco UCCX was a great choice for us for our call center needs in Hybrid (On-premise & cloud) environment. It includes all the features what we need.

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"All in one company. "

My experience with avaya began as soon as I joined the company, I was in the call center sector where they used avaya as a communication system. It has versatility in calling, receiving, and configuring. Being able to have notion of location, exchange of messages. I could see supplier information and configure it to my liking.

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"makes your job easy"

great softphone system very friendly to use and it works great 0 complaints we use it on a daily basis

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"Resuhuffle the VOIP market. Great solution for our support."

A great VOIP support system specially designed for North America. It compliance with all the North American protocols and Rules&regulations. And its very compatible with both old and new ways of customer care.

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"Ameyo is best in call flow designer"

Ameyo is featured with many pre defined report and wallboard feature is useful for manager view

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"Best in class outbound and inbound solution"

Aspect/Alvaria product is best in class for contact center

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"CISCO was the answer to all the user requirements we had "

We had some problems at the beginning with getting everything on line, but once we got passed that, the configuration for the alarms and the information online is great.

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"Complex application, sustenabile for large teams"

A complex application, adaptable to your needs, sustainable for large terms. Intuitive interface, with the posibility to choose as suitable.

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"An excellent tool to analyze call center answering"

Contact Center generates reports where we can take action to improve customer service. The call back was implemented after analysis of these customer service reports.

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"It is one of the most important strategic allies for our operation"

it is a reliable and secure tool whit recognition in the contact center sector, which has allowed us to modernize our operation.

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"help from nowhere"

Communication with Samsung contact center pro has become easy. It takes no extra effort and time to perform a specific operation

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"Make communication easy with skype in a company"

Microsoft skype for business provide high quality audio and video facility for official communication. It also support 3rd party software integration to make process smoothly. This is available for both window and mobile operating system.

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"effective and effective call center in your customer service"

It is a very useful tool that allows call center agents to be more effective, the versatility that it has to redirect calls to the appropriate agent is one of its main characteristics for better attention and a better response time

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"Overall, Avaya provides good quality of IP Office Contact Center"

It provides excellent customer interaction with better routing techniques

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"Love the application, very user friendly and dependable"

Very good support, well run implementation, software is reliable and easy to use, very easy to configure and maintain the application, development is very open to user suggestions and looking for ways to improve the application Reports are lacking, QMS application is very far behind other solutions, more improvements are needed to fully meet our needs

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"MiaRec offers a great voice recording product with many options"

An extremely positive experience through all of our interactions with MiaRec

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" work & comunication"

I have been using this communication tool for about 6 years now. It greatly simplifies the work process

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