Social Analytics Applications Reviews and Ratings

What are Social Analytics Applications?

Social analytics is the process of collecting, measuring, analyzing and interpreting the results of interactions and associations among people, topics and ideas from social media sources. This market examines social analytics solutions covering social filtering, text analytics, sentiment analysis, image analysis and public-facing social media analytics. It focuses on solutions that derive at least 60% of their revenue from software versus solutions that are mainly based on consulting services.

Products In Social Analytics Applications Market

"Empower your social media strategies"

Hootsuite is a valuable asset for our social media management needs. Its social media analytics feature is helping us measure the impact of our social media efforts, identify opportunities for improvement and optimize our strategies. The

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"For brands, products, and competitors, a dependable web monitoring tool"

We can better watch our business online, listen to just what our audience is saying, and manage social media with Mention Social Networking Monitoring. We can simply surface important conversations and get our hands on real data with Mention Social Media Monitoring, allowing us to gain greater insights and make crucial decisions to optimize our social media efforts. We can simply exchange reports with team members, collaborate on brainstorming ideas, and make choices as a group. It's the most effective way to manage and expand our audience.

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"Social listening tool with strong reporting capability"

We use Cision for Social Listening. We work with a variety of social services and health care agencies throughout the US and we coordinate social media campaigns. Cision allows us to view all of the posts created by our agency and partner agencies in a single location and helps assess reach and impact. Each month/quarter/year I am able to extract a report that shows our coalition's reach. Our agency has various programs that do this and each program has a saved search and can run their own customized reports.

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"Social media analytics weapon to measure online success"

Sprinklr Unified-CXM Platform has a number of adjustable widgets that we used via a simple drag-and-drop process that made it quick and easy to choose what information to display. With the robust analytics we monitor our engagement numbers, track social customer service sentiment charts and we are well equipped to catch any customer service inquiries. We use Sprinklr Unified-CXM Platform dashboard to manage a few different Twitter and Facebook pages.

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"5 years of unmatched social listening, enhanced features & support! "

I have been using Konnect Insights for close to 5 years now and I must say this is one tool where I get everything regarding social listening in one place - social media monitoring, analytics, sentiment analysis, ticket management, various customizations and more! This is easily one of the biggest factors driving our commitment to sustaining the service, and likely to continue for years to come. Apart from this, the team is always on the lookout for user pain points and enhancements, they constantly adapt to the current trends of the market and ensure their users get the best use of the tool. They also deliver an outstanding customer experience by promptly addressing your inquiries and ensuring quick follow-ups to resolve the issue as soon as possible. All in all, I am a strong supporter or promoter of this brand because it offers a comprehensive package of exceptional tools, remarkable enhancements, and an unparalleled customer experience.

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"Revolutionize your social media presence"

Streamlining my social media management with ease and incredible customer support.

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"Easy to use with Training And Support Always Available"

I enjoy using this program since it is easy to use, with various features which are interesting and helpful. Khoros Marketing has a good interface and dashboards that can be tailored to audiences workflow via filters and acted upon with native functionality. Also has the ability to centrally manage customer engagement securely as well as at scale across social, web, mobile applications, and community.

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"One оf the best dаtа-drіven mаnаgement suіtes fоr sосіаl medіа"

Breаkіng sіlоs іs а соmmоn іssue fоr а lоt оf brаnds, аnd mіne hаd sіmіlаr іssues tоо. Engаgоr helрs breаk аwаy frоm thаt, аs іt іt's аn іdeаl tооl fоr іsоlаted envіrоnments: іt іntegrаtes wіth vаrіоus tооls. Sо yоu аlreаdy hаve а dаtа роwerhоuse (Engаgоr) аnd yоu саn соnneсt оther іntellіgent tооls іntо іt. Thіs dоesn't сreаte mоre dаtа - іt just meаns thаt yоu're usіng the sаme dаtа but іn а smаrt wаy, аnd thаt, tо me, іs оne essentіаl steр tоwаrds beсоmіng а sосіаlly іntellіgent brаnd.

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"Simplify360 Is Simply Amazing"

With Simplify360, we can easily measure and analyze social interactions and make them monetizable. It is very easy to extract data and convert to excel format with Simplify360. It gives us actionable insights from multiple streams of conversation platforms. We are also able to perform profile comparison to improve our customer retention activities

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"Synthesio Delivers Results"

Synthesio Social Intelligence is a social listening platform that provides unmatched global coverage. It makes it easy to align social listening data with other business data. This makes it possible to make smarter decisions. It has really helped us scale

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"fair experience with feedback team."

i used sales force when i have to generate queries and i am using it since last 8 months. i have a problem with feedback and support team. but software is good and have a fairly user friendly approach.

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"Adobe PDF is best"

Using adobe makes life easier regarding documentation, using adobe reader we can make any document only audio able, no need to read while travelling or doing any work.

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"Visualize and monitor brand perception and performance in real time. "

Great way to visualize and monitor brand across a variety of channels. Highly customizable, intuitive, and accurate. Live pulse enables users to observe changes in brand perception and performance in real time.

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"Get The Data You Need To Improve Your Social Media Performance."

With Brandwatch Vizia, you'll be able to understand your audience better, monitor your brand online, create relevant content and use data and reports to improve your social media marketing effort. You'll be able to have access to important metrics you can use to understand your audience better, improve your content and get more result from your social media effort. With Brandwatch Vizia, it's very easy to visualize your data and get the necessary insights you need to do social media better. It's a must-use solution if you want outstanding results from social media.

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"Social Listening made simple"

We use Meltwater on a daily basis within the marketing department. It's a great tool and helps use gauze our media exposure. Before Meltwater, we would use Google Alerts to track any mentions which, in a way, helped us, but often we would miss on what is relevant and what is not. However, the advanced Boolean search of Meltwater, has helped us greatly to filter through the junk results and only track important news. It has also improved our social monitoring process and reduced reporting and action time by over 90% from 24 hours to 2 hours.

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"A tool of precise consumer data gathering from multiple digital sources & derving insights"

This tool helps in collection and segmenting of data present in different channels/sources and in multiple formats, which help users in driving ground level decisions for customers. This tool leverages advanced technology to dig deep into customer thinking and provides insights about consumers in real time.

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"social media analysis"

is the perfect platform for evaluating and monitoring our impact on social media.enables us to manage our social media accounts on a single platform

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"My go-to tool for Twitter Audiences Insights"

Easy-to-use and responsive tool for gathering Insights about Twitter Audiences. Both your owned followers or specific group of users based on multiple criteria, Audiense helps to understand who is the community, what are the clusters on it, what do they engage with, how is their personality and who are their KOLs. These Insights are key in developing bespoke messages per cluster, developing strategies for interacting with them, and creating successful engagement opportunities.

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"Microsoft Social Engagement : Listen, Unite & Achieve"

Microsoft Social Engagement gives business organizations great ability to collect, rearrange, organize, and analyze all relevant and significant social media activity.

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"Great reputation management software"

YouScan helps us to easily track the health of our employer brand and our overall reputation. Additionally, we use it for lead generation, which was not an obvious use case at first.

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