Customer Communication Management Reviews and Ratings

What is Customer Communication Management?

CCM software is defined as both a strategy and a market-fulfilled by applications that improve the creation, delivery, storage and retrieval of outbound and interactive communications. It supports the production of individualized customer messages, marketing collateral, new product introductions and transaction documents. It is a collection of computer programs that composes, personalizes, formats and delivers content acquired from various sources into targeted and relevant electronic and physical communications between an enterprise and its customers, prospective customers and business partners. It delivers targeted communications through a wide range of media including mobile, email, SMS, Web pages, social media sites and print. The CCM market has evolved from the convergence of document generation/composition and output management technologies. Current CCM solutions include the core elements of a design tool, a composition engine, a workflow/rule engine and multichannel output management.

Products In Customer Communication Management Market

"Harnessing collective intelligence with CCM offerings."

A CCM (customer communication management) solution enhances customer experience by streamlining and personalizing communication processes. It processes to deliver consistent, timely and relevant information across various channels, improving customer engagement and satisfaction. Automated and personalized communication through CCM can lead to increased customer loyalty and a better overall experience.

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"Quadient Inspire the go-to CCM software"

Multichannel capabilities, Design and composition tools, Workflow automation, data integration, Analytics and reporting.

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"Adobe's Experience Manager Forms perform effiently and as per Adobe's standards"

Adobe stands out as a personalized content-based service provider with its Experience Manager with speed and proper management.

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"Store customer site experience and history at once place for better experience"

The tool not only binds customer with correct set of communication but also tracks customers progress across several platforms and store the history at one place for continued experience.

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"Messagepoint: Tool for reaching out to customers with effective communication"

Messagepoint helps in customer communication management which is used to send relevant and personalized communications to existing as well as new customers through different channels like push notifications or emailers.

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"Powerful tool for multi channel customer communication"

It is powerful software which is very helpful and single solution for document creation. Very secure contract generation and communication. Exstream is a multi channel delivery that helps companies tailor customer communication through web, email and print channels.

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"Tango+ - Restructure the Complex Customer Communication Problems"

For one of our clients, we needed a solution that will streamline and automate to some extent the workflows involved in customer communications platforms. We evaluated various products available in the market and then decided upon using Elixir's Tango+. Once we have suggested and decided to use this, we at first analyzed all the featured provided by Tango+ and then looked into mapping these features or functionalities to the actual requirements of the client. We had a chain of conversations with the Elixir's support staff. The support we got was excellent. After zeroing the requirements, we went for the actual implementation of Tango+. We wanted to host this on the cloud platform. The deployment was straight forward. The workflows that came with Tango+ are easily integrated with the existing frameworks. The portals that are provided were very user friendly and easily configurable. So many customization points were exposed by Tango+.

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"Optimal Support and Communications Solutions for Federal Agencies"

My experience with this product has been great. The Smart Communications company worked with us to identify a solution that would support our ability to provide written and electronic communications to our clients while also meeting our federal and state guidelines. The company continues to advance and upgrade the product while ensuring optimal system uptime and has continued to be very receptive to new ideas and requests from our company. They provide a product that supports our needs and keeps up with the times, ensuring that we continue to provide a service to our clients.

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"Good product. Not amazing, good."

Good. The pricing and functionality is aligned with my business. Dislike how support tiers cost extra.

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"One of the best communication tools available."

ShoutOUT is an excellent solution. It allows you to communicate with customers easily and immediately. Always reliable and solid. Easy to implement and use. The messaging system via SMS is also excellent. Customer support is always available and ready to solve any problem.

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"Collate and execute all the notifications through a single funnel"

This platform act as a central repository to store and manage communication workflows. The tool is built on top of communications management tools and provide specific ways of sending push or in-apps notification to the user.

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"Very easy implementation and very powerful tool"

The product is very easy to implement. The design of the templates and workflow is very straight forward. You can secure the integration of the app with any other solution safely using https and restrict access to the app by IP. You have benefited from this solution to the max by integrating it in live app to request the document on the fly not only offline. - is that the app do not have client side, we have to work on using a licensed (Testing ) then deploy it on the live (production). The Vendor for our region is more than professional and very helpful.

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"Excellent solution with a lot of features."

Striata Application Platform is an excellent solution. The platform is stable, fast and always reliable. It has tons of features that make it one of the best CCM systems available. If you have never tried it, I suggest you try it. Implementation is easy and customer support is also great.

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"Solid solution for document generation & composition"

Solid solution for document generation & composition with smooth testing & implementation, and efficient follow-on support

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"Great CCM tool for lean and lightweight implementation"

Overall CCM solution is very diverse and portable. Cloud capabilites are quite impressive

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"amazing document management mobile tool"

so far it has been a great tool that captures the document and stores it on a central server, so from there it can be modified, and shared even from mobile devices so you can keep working on your presentations from anywhere

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"Sefas Harmonie - Produce CCM solutions with ease"

Sefas has a strong suite of solutions enabling us to quickly and efficiently produce meaningful Customer Communication Management solutions. We have many years of experience with Sefas a a vendor and are really happy with their overall product offernings and their excellent customer support. They have recently released their new version called Harmonie which has made writing CCM solutions simpler.

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"Excellent CCM tool for multi dimensional output capabilities "

Exceptional tool for Omni channel delivery. Swift migration capabilities

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"DocGen is the perfect solution that will make my job much easier"

It's amazing how I can manage and create all the reports that I have to order throughout the weeks, DocGen is the perfect solution that will make my job much easier thanks to all its functions and preset options, benefits and future contracts with new clients, it is becoming more secure thanks to the help of this digital platform, I am delighted with how I can carry out the different processes and electronic signatures that arise more and more thanks to this incredible program.

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"Implementation was easy, a true partner."

Inventive Designers is one of the most customer focussed suppliers I have ever encountered. Their ability to work partnership with us, and align to our overall goals and outcomes and undertake a discussion on product roadmaps - and then deliver on it was second to none.

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